Lord Muruga is the ArulPerumJothy (VastGaceLight)
Nathan Surya 01/05/2017After ArutThiruVarugai pooja in our London house, my wife, Thaksha, spotted something strange in the sky over our house. We tried our best to video it.
மு௫கா!!! மு௫கா!!!
வருக!!! வருக!!!
தருக!!! தருக!!!

Aum Muruga ஓம் மு௫கா
இலண்டன் அருட்திரு வருகை வழிபாடு.
Lord Muruga's ArutThiruVarugai prayers in London.
Lord Muruga's ArutThiruVarugai prayers in London.
Live footage from Oongarakudil, Trichy, Tamilnadu, India.
Start watching after 2:30 for live footage of Lord Muruga's Jothy revelation
Nathan Surya
Contact தொடர்பு
May 1st: King of the Universe appears as Jothy(VastGraceLight) in the sky over Tamilnadu and declares his mission of bringing back the Gnana Yugam(Golden age of Lord Muruga)
Oongarakudil, Thuraiyur, Trichy, India.
Aum Muruga ஓம் மு௫கா
UPDATE: Yesterday local media men interviewd Ayya. Aasan revealed a good news that Lord Muruga's celestial Jothy would be visible to all Lord Muruga devotees around the globe.
ஓங்காரக்குடில் Ongarakudil
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