at all times
my Love
is available.
I was created
for all. Even
as the sun shines
on all, my Love flows to all."
"Cease to make me
a symbolic God
in the heavens. I
am real. I am alive.
I am omnipresent.
Wake up this moment
and know my aliveness.
Sit quietly and feel
my power to conquer
enter you."
"Breathe quietly and feel
my Love, my perfect Love,
enter you. Let your
heart center become
alive as you softly
breathe in and out, in and out."
"March into the Light and
let the world not touch you.
Good will be the final victor."
"I, Skanda, Son of Siva, have spoken."
Aum Muruga ஓம் மு௫கா 
Love & Light 
--Hilda Charlton.
Aum Muruga ஓம் மு௫கா
ஓங்காரக்குடில் Ongarakudil
சித்தர் அறிவியல் Wisdom of Siththars
நீங்களும் வாசித்து அறிந்து கொள்ளுங்கள்.
Posted by Nathan Surya
at all times
my Love
is available.
I was created
for all. Even
as the sun shines
on all, my Love flows to all."
"Cease to make me
a symbolic God
in the heavens. I
am real. I am alive.
I am omnipresent.
Wake up this moment
and know my aliveness.
Sit quietly and feel
my power to conquer
enter you."
"Breathe quietly and feel
my Love, my perfect Love,
enter you. Let your
heart center become
alive as you softly
breathe in and out, in and out."
"March into the Light and
let the world not touch you.
Good will be the final victor."
"I, Skanda, Son of Siva, have spoken."

--Hilda Charlton.
Aum Muruga ஓம் மு௫கா
ஓங்காரக்குடில் Ongarakudil
சித்தர் அறிவியல் Wisdom of Siththars
நீங்களும் வாசித்து அறிந்து கொள்ளுங்கள்.
Posted by Nathan Surya