The Son of God: Subramanya, Skanda, Kārttikeya, Sanatkumāra - The Shambala King, Pleiadian Head Master
Karttikeya aka Sanatkumāra (Sanatkumara) is God's Son, the Son of Śiva and Śakti, God and Goddess, and He represents the highest state to which a spiritual aspirant can evolve. He is said to have been born of Śiva from Pārvatî Śakti to destroy the evil demon Tārakāsura. Before conceiving Him, even these heavenly Parents of the World had to perform severe Tapas or austerities! This teaches the world of the great need for Tapas on the part of parents desirous of excellence of offspring. He is stated to have been born in a forest of arrow-like grass (hence the name Śaravaṇabhava) and reared by the six divine mothers of the constellation known as Kṛttikā, Pleiades. Hence the names Kārttikeya and Ṣaṇmātura in meaning, that Sanatkumāra is from Pleiades and have Six Mothers. Kumāra or Sanatkumāra means someone being very young and virile, and this noble God's Son i really always like strong, vital and young boy.
If much more and better known the God's Son Gaṇapati or Gaṇeśa is universally reverd by almost all the Hindus, Buddhists and Jains, and has even succeeded in going abroad to many countries of South East Asia, China, Japan and Afghanistan, Sanatkumāra his brother in Heaven has somehow remained confided to South India and older Śaivita traditions. Historically speaking, Sanatkumāra or Subrahmaṇya is a much older deity, being mentioned in stone inscriptions and shown on coins (from 1st century to 5th century A.D.) and was well-known in North India, Pamir and Himalaya Region. The sixth day (Ṣaṣthî, Shashthi) of a lunar month, the sixth Tithi is considered sacred to Him similar like with serpent deities. This number six is as magical number a part of esoteric tradition belonging to oldest but always young Kumāra well known as Subrahmaṇya - one who leads towards Brahman, the Highest God.
Etymologically the word Subrahmaṇya means one who tends the spiritual growth of the aspirants, one who leads toward the Lord God. It is only He, who has reached the summit of spiritual perfection in this life, this is capable of tending the spiritual growth of others. Mythology and religion describes Sanatkumāra as the Son of God, Śiva, begotten to save the world from tyranny of the fiend Tāraka-Asura, the ebodied devil. This is more true in the spiritual sense, because the way to heaven is constant battle against evil. Subrahmaṇya or Sanatkumāra called Saṇmukha (Shaṇmukha) is depicted with six heads and twelve hands, all of them being attached to one trunk resting on two feet. His six heads represent the five sense organs and the mind, which controls and co-ordinates their activities. When these are controlled, refined and sublimated, human being as so as deva (angel, god) becomes a superhuman being or super heavenly being and may overcome all devil forces!
In spiritual icons, Sanatkumāra is shown as a warrior-boy either with one head and two arms or with six heads and twelve arms. This first form of Murti is for beginners in meditations and visualizations, very easy to keep in mind. Sanatkumāra known as Skanda is the spiritual, great warrior! He is said to have been married to a forest maid Vaḷḷi-Amma during His service as heavenly Avatāra of God's Son. His temples or Āśramas are usually found on hill-tops. The peacock is His carrier, Vasana. In His icons, His lance and His peacoc are also prominently displayed and a fowladorns His banner! As the warrior angel or god He was appointed through the Highest One as the Commander-in-chief of the gods (angels)of the Heaven and thus became Devasenāpati. Hence He is the Lord of Heavenly Warriors, Guardian Angels and godly angels who are the Keepers of the Heaven!
Pleiadian Master, the Lord God's Son, Sanatkumāra with His matchless weapon, the Śakti or lanc, shining brilantly like fire, He easily destroyed the devil Tārakāsura, thus becoming Śaktidhara and Tārakāri. As a forcefull attacker in war against devil beings, He is known as Skanda, but the name Skanda also means one who has accumulated the power of chastity. The God's Son Skanda Kumara likes holy people (Brāhmaṇas) and is always good to them. Because of this He is known as Subrahmaṇya Skanda, as defender of all Sādhus. Once, Sanatkumāra broke down the Krauñća-Parvata (a mountain), earning the name Krauñćabhettā. At another time, Sanatkumāra in the Heaven exposed Brahmā (Creator) ignorance of the Vedas (Holy Scriptures) and hence got the name Brahma-Śāstā. His other name is Guha, the secret one, because Sanatkumāra is the keeper and protector of all Divine Secrets, Hermetics and Esoterics! His name Svāmi-Nātha point that He is the perceptor, Guru/h of his own father and the suzerain of all Svāmîs -Enlighten Spiritual Gurus!
It seams, that Sanatkumāra assumed six faces to suckle milk if th six mothers and so got the appelation Ṣaḍhāna or Ṣaṇmukha [Ṣ is English 'Sh'] but six Pleiades show the six principles of supersensual knowledge! Only someone who reaches higher knowledge, Pleiadian Wisdom of God is enough worth to be the Shamballa Warrior of the White Brotherhood. Magical number six is very important because means victory over Svādhiṣṭhāna, the second Ćakra (Chakra) and over Manas Ćakra in Ājñā structure, which both have six petals in their Manḍala. Accorrding to Yoga and Tantra psychology, there are six centres of psycho-spiritual energy of counsciousness in the human body and they are: Mūlādhāra at the anus, Svādhiṣṭhāna at the root of sex organ, Maṇipūra at the navel or above, Anāhata at the region of heart, Viśuddha at the throat, and Ājñā between the eyebrows in the head. When the Sādhaka, Yoga Aspirant succesfully raises his psychic energy through these centres, s/he has a vision of the Śiva-Śakti, the God and Goddess!
Of course, because Pārvatî Devî, real Sanatkumāras Mother is a daughter of Master Himavān and Menakā, Kārttikeya is the Holy Grandson of them both being as a part of th oldest Yoga and Tantra line of perceptors! The God's Son Sanatkumāra Skanda is real angel or deity of deeper and higher esoterical and hermetic traditions of the East and West and He is the embodiment of all mysticism and mystical science! Sahasrāra above the top of the headwhich is the destination for this six faced and six centred energy from the body Ćakras (Chakras) represents this perfect state of spiritual consiousness well-known as the Son of God, Subrahmaṇya, Sanatkumāra! In a perfect being the flow is so refined and uniform, that practically all the centres have been elevated to this highest level, but Ćakras are simply class on the way toward this noble state. Ćakras (Chakras) suymbolize different stages of consciousness, power an energy in transformation process.
The noble Subrahmaṇya Kumāra has at all two consorts, Vaḷḷi-Amma, an elder one, and Devasenā, younger one. The former is daughter of a humble chieftain of a race given to agriculture and woodcraft. The latter is the daughter of Indra, the King od angels, gods and heavenly beings. This is just to show, that Got does not make any distinction between the humble folk and elite. The Highest Lord God loves all equally and accept both, the folk and the elite. These two consorts show that Sanatkumāra unites two different spiritual traditions but accepts their difference in similar way as loves His both wifes. Folk religious cult and elitist hermetic tradition are His true, symbolical wifes or consorts. Sanatkumāra likes and supports equally folk cults of Goddess in the same way as very spiritual, heavenly esoteric or occult science! Skanda is a kind of double tradition spiritual master or perceptor!
Sanatkumāra with His twelve hands, symbolically represents cosmic power of Avatāra , Heavenly Incarnation and all zodiac signs, all Rasi from Capricornus, Aquarius to Saggitarius! Man has only two hands, but his superior intellect has enabled him to invent so many tools and instruments through which he can accomplish manual tasks, even simultaneously. The combination of the six heads and twelve hands teaches us, that the ideal of humanity is the perfected being who is not only a great Yogi, but also a great worker. Two consorts also mean, that the true lider of a society will espouse agriculture and industry on the one hand, and the armed forces on the other in order to develop the society as also to protect it! The lance of dazzling brightness is the weaponwith which this Devasenāpati vanquished many enemies. It actually stands for knowledge and wisdom with which all the ugly demons of ignorance can be destroyed.
Sanatkumāra as the noble perceptor of Guru/ḥ shows that is surrounded with two kinds of souls as His disciples, the first like Vaḷḷi-Amma, means protectors of the Nature, and the second like Devasenā, means protectors agains any kind of evil asuras! As His Śaktis, they represent two different aspects of Divine Power. Heavenly consorts show two circles of disciple and their special works as Sanatkumāra, as Śiva-Śakti Divine Son is Heavenly Leader. Because His temples are usually found on hill-tops and the peacock is His carrier, Vasana, mount it may be indicated that He was a sylvan deity connected with serpent-worship and tree worship, and hence was more popular among the people of lower strata in the prearyan society. Today, however, all sections of Hinduism have accepted Sanatkumāra and they venerate Him, but much more as Subrahmaṇya Skanda or Kārttikeya, pointed toward Pleiadan spirituality and Pleiadan mystical sources!
Sanatkumāra as Guhya-Guru/ḥ, secret guide and as Svāmi-Nātha fathers or spiritual fathers keeper or suzerein, is well-known to all spiritual seekers of advanced in their practical research! In icons it is shown, as belabouring a snake with one of its legs and it stands for what is oposed to it. By riding the peacock He is showing that He is really beyond what is within time and outside it. Sanatkumāra, Kārttikeya, the Shambala Lord is beyond all dualities and because it may stand against Asuras! If the snake represents lust, as it often does in symbology of psychology, the peacock signifies the powers of chastity and hence is shown as riding on the peacock! Lastly, the peacock with its beautiful plumage, represents creation in all its glory. Hence He that rides the peacock it is the Supreme Lord, the master of all creation!
Kārttikeya is this great Son of the Lord God, which is begotten to save the world from the tyranny of the fiend Tārakāsura, who seems be embodied as scientifical ateism against spirituality and esoterism. Such devil is necessary to win on all six levels of existence, on outer and on inner dimensions of creation. Devasenāpati vanquishes and destroys all enemies of spirituality and enemies of the divine way! There are three outer dimensions like dense, astral and mental world and there are three inner dimensions like higher or causal mentality, reason or buddhi and ātmanic or soul level of consciousness which all are attacked through devil beings like asuras, rākṣasas (rākshasas) and piśaćas. Six is the number of counsciousness levels where any evil may attack or work through and such levels need realison and exorcism! So all evil forces of asuras (demons) may govern only in six lvels but the seventh one is only for gods, angels and halfangelic beings, devas and upadevas. People have to look for Gurus like Kārttikeya!
Those meditating on hill-tops or in the mountains are close to Sanatkumāra who prefers Himalaya mountains as His spiritual place of work according our knowledge about Ṣamballa (Shambala). Skandapurāṇa, Holy Scripture about the Lord Skanda teaches us more about the one Brahman, without a second, the All, Heavenly Father from whom Kārttikeya, Sanatkumāra was born or rather created! Śiva-Śakti is All-Brahman, the embodiment of renunciation and destruction of all evil and similarly with His Son! Kārttikeya is the Lord of all Gaṇas who are spiritual warriors and spiritual martial arts practicers, and He is supporter of traditional Kālaṛpayat (Kālarippayatu), divine martial art very well known in all India, Tibet or Himalaya region. Warriors āsanas like Ćandra Namaskaram are practiced in Sanatkumāras consciousness and all going to Ṣamballa (Shambala) know it very well. Skanda supports those living in a group (Gaṇa) near a forest or a mountain and particularly those Gaṇas (groups) which bear with the evil, fighting against asuras, demons and other devils.
Sanatkumāra very well known in the Western Esotericism vanquished demons, asuras and succesfully brought demoniac followers under His holy subjugation. Gaṇa is a group but much more a clan living together or very close in hermitage, hence Gaṇas, God's attendants are strong clanic type spiritual groups, Āśamitees. Pati is the head of Gaṇa (clanic spiritual group). As the group of yogis and yoginis became more refined and cultured Heavenly Pati like Kārttikeya might have been transformed into the higher form with much more powers and charismatic forces! Real, spiritual growth is only in spiritual, divine, esoteric groups with strong connection of deep brotherhood friendship, in groups with Guru/ḥ, groups like clans! All have to be Gaṇikas, Gaṇa attendants, regula attendants if they wish spiritual development and advanced in esotericism or spirituality, and they have to win against devil forces.
-Svāmî Bāba Paramahans Lalitamohan Rishi

source: himavanti
Wisdom of Siddhas சித்தரியல்
அகத்தியர் agathiar agastya agathiyar